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How to Balance Full-Time Work and a Side Hustle

A man working at home celebrates a deal

Side hustling can be a great way to increase your overall income to build up a nest egg for the future, but many are already juggling family commitments and full-time work.

Adding a side hustle may seem like an impossible commitment. However, the good news is that if you are willing to put in the time, there are ways to add some extra streams of income to your earnings.

Find a Side Hustle That Doesn’t Take Too Much Time

Some hustles naturally take up more time than others.

Starting a side business requires a lot of effort before you begin to turn a profit, and you might need something that starts paying sooner.

You may only have a few extra hours each week to devote to a hustle, so you need to make those hours count. Do your research to find hustles that do not require much time to set up upfront.

Taking part in market research can be lucrative if you fit the target demographics, and you can usually get payment soon after taking part.

Another lucrative side hustle is real estate investing.

Real estate investing has long been considered one of the best additions to many portfolios because of how predictable the income is and because of certain tax advantages. Still, it can be challenging and expensive to become a landlord the traditional way. Luckily, you can still add real estate to your portfolio through fractional real estate investing.

Use Any Extra Time Wisely

Some hustles have a learning curve before you can earn your maximum potential. Transcription requires outside research, and you might need to learn more about the industry to get up to speed, especially if you do medical or legal transcription. If you do need to do some learning, take advantage of every spare moment you have, even if it’s not a large chunk of time. If you drive an hour each way to work every day, that’s two hours a day where you can listen to podcasts about your chosen area. Even if you don’t have a commute time, you can still listen to podcasts while doing something else, like housework or taking a walk.

Care for Yourself

When you balance a full-time career and side hustle, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. You might feel like you spend all your time working and don’t have time for anything fun. Taking care of yourself must be one of your priorities as well.

Giving yourself time to do something you enjoy can help you reduce stress. There are many things you can do to take care of yourself, whether it’s going out with friends, reading a good book, or doing a creative project.

If you’re struggling to come up with ideas, start a list of things that make you happy. Whenever you realize that something brings you joy, add it to your list.

When you are feeling stressed out, you can do something off this list. Even looking forward to doing this thing later can help you get through a challenging day.

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