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Bizarre businesses: Why not host a Cuddle Party?

Two people hugging

Everyone needs a hug from time to time.

And one entrepreneur realized this and actually formed a business where people can host a "cuddle party."

Yes, this is a real thing.

You don't have to worry if there are not many people you know to have a cuddle with when you're feeling low because one call to Cuddle Party, and a hug will be on its way.


Cuddle parties started in February 2004.

It all began in an apartment in Manhattan by Marcia Baczynski and Reid Mihalko. 

They decided to start an official organization, Cuddle Party, which prepares and supports people at cuddle parties in 17 countries around the world.

Each Cuddle party will vary in price, starting from $10, depending on location and how many attendees.

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There are also 11 specific rules you must follow to attend a cuddle party:

Quoted from the official website:

  1. Pajamas stay on the entire time.
  2. You don't have to cuddle anyone at a Cuddle Party, ever.
  3. You must ask permission and receive a verbal YES before you touch anyone. (Be as specific in your request as you can.)
  4. If you're a yes, say YES. If you're a no, say NO.
  5. If you're a maybe, say NO.
  6. You are encouraged to change your mind.
  7. Respect your relationship agreements and communicate with your partner.
  8. Get your Cuddle Party Facilitator or the Cuddle Assistant if you have a question or concern or need assistance with anything during the Cuddle Party.
  9. Tears and laughter are both welcome.
  10. Respect people's privacy when sharing about Cuddle Parties.
  11. Keep the Cuddle space tidy.

You can go with your family, as a couple or by yourself.

The website says a cuddle party is to: "meet new people, to enjoy amazing conversations, to touch, to be touched, to have fun, to practice asking for what you want, to practice saying 'no' to what you don't want—all in a setting structured to be a safe place for exploration and enjoyment. … You can even come to a Cuddle Party just to cuddle!"

Find out more here.

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